Write without Fear. Edit without Mercy.

Today I will be doing a post about writing and editing.
I cannot imagine a life without writing even though I
only got the interest of writing at the age of eleven, I have no idea how I
survived without it before then. Writing is, to put it in simple terms, my past
present and future. Initially it was considered as a hobby for me. To come up
with ideas and play the parts of characters that I know I will never have the
courage to be in real life. It was just another past time, just like reading or
baking. But soon it became apparent that I didn’t want to just write as a hobby
but I wanted to have a career as a writer.
It wasn’t a common profession and according to many
people I know being a writer is only worth if you are quite well known. I
didn’t believe in that though. I think that there is more to being a writer than
just writing books and getting money through it. It is about telling the
stories of those without a voice. For me writing is also a chance for me to
play with my imagination. Although reading does the same to me, with writing I
have more control so I can make the characters do whatever I want with them.
However I outgrew that phase of being controlling and making my characters make
decisions and act out scenes that I would expect myself to do. Instead I
started creating personalities of their own and I like to think that each of my
characters have their own unique style. Yes maybe some bits and pieces of them
are drawn from me or those close to me but I try my best to make sure that they
are their own people.
People think writing is just a bunch of words on paper
telling a story. Yes that maybe true but to me and I think other writers out
there it’s much much more. It is quite tough if you actually see to keep
creating new characters and making sure that they are all not the same and to
keep creating situations and seeing how your character reacts to it is just the
same as adding different indicators and solutions to one particular solution to
see how it reacts!
Writing the first draft is quite easy unless you are a
person that needs everything to be perfect and orderly. I am that person who
doesn’t mind how her first draft is as long as the main plot line hasn’t been
changed. Take ‘Over Spilt Nescafe’ for example. If you have read the book on
wattpad you’d understand that it is only a first draft and not much editing has
been done. And you can see how many changes I will have to make when I am
editing it, which I am currently doing.

Editing a novel is nothing like writing it. When you are
writing you just let your creative juices flow and you have no need to restrain
it but with editing it’s a whole different situation! You have to make sure
that you are willing to give up scenes or characters that do not make sense in
the book which I kind of have a hard time with because hey I spent all my time
creating that beautiful character with their own cool personality and I have to
give up on that! Heck no. which is why now I have a separate book in which I
write all my characters that have been given up and deleted scenes from my
books. This way I have a few new things that I can tweak just a bit to fit into
a whole new story.
Editing is pretty hard since you have consider a lot of
things, like the country and its culture. The people, the timeline and a whole
lot of other stuff. I am currently editing ‘Over Spilt Nescafe’ and my gosh the
struggle I am going through because there these scenes that are just plain
unrealistic and there is Natalie, the main protagonist, is just blabbering
nonsense. I am in such a fix as to decide whether to keep those scenes or not.
I do want to keep them because it tells much about her personality. The
imaginative kind with a whole load of exaggeration but at the same time I am
wondering will people even bother/like to read it?

Overall I so think that when writing you just let it all
out and leave the hard bit of editing and scrapping out and polishing later
because if you try to edit while you write you are probably going to end up
with one big gunk of a book and you have no idea what is where. Believe me I’ve
tried and lets just say it didn’t really end that well.
Take care bears
Till next time
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