How it all started : Over Spilt Nescafè|#AStoryToShare

Hello readers
Today I will be sharing a story on how I was inspired to write my book 'Over Spilt Nescafè'. If you haven't read it yet check it out on wattpad now.
So I was at the Dubai airport waiting for the people to check our tickets and board us in when this scene happened.
I was reading Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code and I kinda got a little fed up waiting so I looked around the place. I was making stories of each person I saw, imagining what it was like to be them, as I usually do.
Then there was this blonde boy who was walking fast and he had a plastic cup in his hand. I assumed it was Nescafè because it was a white cup with big bold black letters around it. I was about to look away when the boy banged onto an old couple spilling the Nescafè in the process. He did get scolded by his parents. Poor him.
Fast forward a couple days later and I had finished like two novels and was looking for a fresh new story to write because the story I was writing at the moment didn't really come out very well. That was when I remembered the Nescafè spilling scene and decided to write a story based around it.
Oh and in the first chapter Alvin is wears a white hoodie which has green markings on it. It is the same hoodie that this blond fello was wearing.
So you see why I included a blond boy in my book and how Nescafè plays a huge role in this. I guess you hardcore OSN readers have to thank him for inspiring me to write this story.
Its a pretty short story but yeah that's how I was inspired to write OSN.
Take care bears
Till next time
Till next time
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