August holiday bucket list of sorts


I am nearing the end of my internship which coincides with the august holidays! I have to start job hunting again but while am on that I thought I'll also enjoy the 'august holidays'. Most of the schools, here in Sri Lanka, have holidays in july and august and its usually the holiday after the end of the school year so its very celebratory. No exams to study for, no need to revise old work, just chill and have some fun. Although I'll probably be looking for my next job, I still want to enjoy this month. So here are some things I want to do during this month (I might make a post at the end of the month to see how far I've gone with this list).

 1. create a morning routine

I do not have a routine whatso ever apart from waking up and brushing my teeth. Like seriously. I also dont do skin care routines and all that so I dont really have much things that I stick to every morning. And one more important fact, I am not a morning person. I can stay awake till 4 am but getting up at 4 am? Nah, that's only reserved for Ramadan. But I do want to try reducing being a night owl and focus more on getting up early because when there is more light in your day, it feels longer and like you have much more time to complete your work as opposed to the dark hours (even though the hours are roughly the same.) 

Today is the first of August and I already failed at getting up at 4 or 5 in the morning. I just get up for prayers and fall back asleep, this is what I want to change as well. Dont go back to sleep after the morning prayers. 

2. read 10 books

I havent read as much the past seven months (only 12) so I do want to read more. My tbr is also not looking so good.

3. make 2 new things

this refers to recipes. I want to try making two new things, I've got my eye on an apple crumble and a cake maybe.

4. cook more?

This I am not so sure but I do hope to try. I havent been cooking as much lately especially after I started the internship so since I will be on a break, this will be a good time to hone my cooking skills (which are really sub par)

5. take more pictures

My camera has been collecting dust, occassionally I do remember her and then click a lot of pictures (of the sky) of that day and then forget her for another two months lol. I do want to put her to good use and also to learn some new photography tips and tricks. 

6. blog

Ah this has to be on the list. I used to be on here a lot before, I randomly blog like I am tweeting, most of the posts on here are cringe and silly but I was still posting. Over the years it lost its charm, or maybe I lost myself. But I am coming back. I am not forcing myself or anything, I do enjoy this. Its just seeing how fancy the other blogs are just makes mine seem like well garbage. 

7. edit videos for fun

I like to do this as well. Its a new fun medium to express creativity, so I shall try to edit atleast two or three videos this month. I have been doing this consistently in the beginning of the year but the last two months have been too slow.

8. paint

Yess, I have collected all the paint and they are dry -_- so I have to add a little warm water to revive them and then I shall paint. mostly the skies. because I dont really have talent in anything else. not that I have the talent to paint any skies also. 

9. fix that captain america building blocks thing

So my brother was gifted this teeny tiny building blocks that would make captain america and I did start on that like a year ago but never finished it. I hope I can finish this by the end of the month. fingers crossed.

10. make a 1000 piece puzzle

I have been searching for a 1000 piece puzzle for a really long time and my cousin recommended this place and I have my eyes set on one but its kind expensive. Okay I dont know its definitely cheaper than the one I saw at OGF but still, I dont know if I want to buy this when I can just buy a book with it. So this maybe a question mark of sorts, depending on my decision on what I want to buy. 

11. write atleast 10,000 words

This. This. THIS. I must do because I havent written much over the past few months. I started my current wip somewhere in august of last year and I am still around 13,000 words in. Which is pathetic but then again I also did scrap it off like twice so I dont know. I want to make some good progress so we shall see about this. 

12. Fix my sleep schedule

Oh dear Lord. This has been in the making for years, my sleep schedule is the worst. On some days I have a good 10 hour sleep, on most days I have less than five. And this makes me constantly tired and I end up having unnecessarily long naps during the day. Although I am not like I was in youth (lol I speak as if I am eighty), where I could survive a whole day on like three hours of sleep, I need atleast 6 hours to be able to function decently. And since I have been having trouble sleeping early in the night, I have resorted to have a consistent six to eight hour sleep for this whole month. 

13. unhaul? maybe?

I want to go over my book collection and see if there is any need to own all of the books that I own. I know I have a bad book buying habit (more on that later) but at the same time we also dont know how well we are going to like a book. I buy books with expectations, it either lives up to it, exceeds it or lets me down. I want to try either selling my books that I didnt really enjoy or maybe giving it away to somebody who might enjoy it. I struggle with paerting with books, even if I am not the biggest fan (I have this nagging thought that I might fall in love with it one day *eye roll*). so this might be a little hard but I am going to try. (there goes my dream of owning 200+ books lol).

14. Get a library card/ ebook subscription

It has been literal years since I owned a library card but I want to try borrowing books more instead of buying all the time. It's obviously going to be impossible to buy every book I want to read just because I want to, I cant afford them all. Maybe even get an ebook subsciption, and then read the books and if I really enjoyed it I would buy a copy for myself.

There are more daring things I want to do but I dont think I will go out much. These all seem daunting enough to me. Even though the pandemic started last year, I never got to do much. Looking back I dont really know what I did during all that time at home and it seems really sad. pathetic even, that I didnt do something worth my time.

Dont get me wrong, I am not saying about being productive and hustling (although I dont think I did much of that either), I am talking about the simpler days of painting, or reading or something of that. Well, we shall see what happens this August.

Here's to a good holiday! Take care and stay safe,



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