
Sometimes we fight.
Sonetimes we laugh.
But we love each other even though we barely show it.
It is a bit hard to live a life without a bratty sister or an annoying brother for me. I can imagine it though. No fussy crying, no fights over the remote or the Nintendo or who is the most greediest, no who is the most loved or petted fights and no nme calling.  Everything is peaceful and quiet and calm. But then that is all imagination and it sounds great yes but when I actually go through it, it's much more harder to handle. It's like I have nothing to do for that particular time that we usually waste fighting. I know I can read a book or watch T.V or play pokemon peacefully but it is hard. I keep thinking if she was here I would probably argue as to whether Harry Potter(me) is better than Mix Masters(her) or Mister Maker(him).
It is hard to imagine home without my brother's noise and sister's bawls.
Sometimes they mean nothing to you.
Sometimes they are inbetween.
Sometimes they mean the world to you.
But always they are in your heart and mind.
They are a part of you whether you hate them or love them.
They are different from you. They have different minds and they hate what you love and love what you hate but during those lovely but kind of rare times when we have the same interest and you know more than them, it is beautiful to see the twinkle in their eyes or their flushed cheeks indicating that they are happy. It automatically makes you happy.
Either you help them bury a body of someone they have murdered or something much simpler like hiding the fact that they sneakily ate chocolate without your mama knowing OR you do not want them 15cm close to you and you feel like murdering them ;)
You may call them a hundred and fifty creative names that you come up with for them but at the same time deep down there is a place for them in your heart.
You love them.
You hate them.
But life will be a bore without them.
And if anyone makes them cry or hurts them...
You know that you are praying that the person who hurt them have already perished.
Or you are already asking forgiveness from God for murdering someone. ;)
•Another random thing.
Like I said before I have no talent in writing. Just a passion.
Do Not Forget To Eat!
Bye Lollipops.


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