Babysitting + A child's mind

My aunt and cousins are home because my grandmother recently had a surgery and so they are here to stay and help her recover. So while my mother and aunt make their frequent trips to the hospital and even stay over I am left at home to babysit the babies.

During this time period I discovered a lot of uh I don’t know what to really call it maybe the wonders of a child? I don’t know. So after my aunt left it was automatic for Fatima, the tiniest one of the lot, to look for her. She kept calling out for her and looked into all the rooms searching for her. When her efforts were futile and she slowly started to realize that her mother wasn’t home she began to cry. Now I am no pro with kids who start to cry so I did the first thing that came to mind that was to carry her. Still it didn’t saitsfy her.

She asked to go upstairs. I couldn’t at that time because the maid was about to leave and I had to attend to her as well. So in order to shut her up, if I may say, I took her close to the light switch and just clicked it on and off. She immediately stopped crying. She started laughing instead. This amazed me. You know the fact that something as a little as a light turning on and off could make a child happy. You should have seen her laugh. It was one of the loudest and weirdest that I have heard from her.

And I don’t know why I am blogging about this but I just felt like it. I guess it kind of shows you that simple things could make you happy and we as grown ups just make everything complicated.

She has gone home now and I do miss her a lot. She definitely made the house a lot louder and lively. Cant wait to see her again for Eid!



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