The Last two months' doings
Here is my long overdue wrap up for both November and December. Didnt read many books (only 2 😮) but I did end up reading some fluffy manga because after the stressful exams+assignments season I wanted something cliche and cute. Watched a lot of movies and dramas too 😁
- Dragonfish // Vu Tran

click HERE for the review
- Dumplin’ // Julie Murphy

click HERE for the review
- Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers // J.R.R.Tolkien (Book 2)

Synopsis :
The Fellowship was scattered. Some were bracing hopelessly for war against the ancient evil of Sauron. Some were contending with the treachery of the wizard Saruman. Only Frodo and Sam were left to take the accursed Ring of Power to be destroyed in Mordor–the dark Kingdom where Sauron was supreme. Their guide was Gollum, deceitful and lust-filled, slave to the corruption of the Ring. Thus continues the magnificent, bestselling tale of adventure begun in The Fellowship of the Ring, which reaches its soul-stirring climax in The Return of the King.
Rate : 3.5 / 5 ⭐
Review :
Definitely liked it better than the first book because it was a lot more of action going on rather than just introduction of characters and description of places. Still many new characters have been introduced and I think I forgot some of them already (yet to read the third book).
Word count
Total – 9303
probably the most I have written in a month!!
- Nerds – 2881

- The Hijabi and The Atheist (nanowrimo) – 6422

- Highschool debut (Reread)

Synopsis :
Haruna Nagashima gave her all to softball in middle school, and now that she's made her high school debut she's decided to give her all for a new goal. Getting a boyfriend and falling in love!
However, she has one small problem. Since she never paid any attention to fashion or trend in middle school she has no idea how to go about attracting her yet-to-be-found love. But a chance encounter with You Komiyama provides her with the opportunity she needs. If he coaches her in how to become attractive, surely she can find herself a boyfriend!
Rate : 3 / 5 ⭐
- Say ‘I love you’(Reread)

Synopsis :
Mei Tachibana has no friends—and she doesn't need them! Ever since her "friends" betrayed her in elementary school, she's sworn off friendship entirely. All it leads to is betrayal and heartbreak, and she's well enough on her own. But everything changes when she accidentally roundhouse kicks the most popular boy in school! However, Yamato Kurosawa isn't angry in the slightest. In fact, he thinks his ordinary life could use an unusual girl like Mei! He won't take no for an answer, and soon Mei and Yamato embark on an unwanted friendship that will change both of them forever.
Rate : 3 / 5 ⭐
- Hirunaka no ryuusei

Synopsis :
Fifteen-year-old country girl Suzume Yosano has to move to Tokyo to live with her uncle due to her father's transfer. She bumps into a mysterious man who ends up taking her to her uncle's place after she gets lost. Turns out, Suzume will be seeing him a lot more often once she starts school because... he's her homeroom teacher?!
Rate : 3 / 5 ⭐
Review :
It was an okay manga I guess. The characters were cool, the character development not so much. The plot got a bit messy inbetween and the ending was abrupt so wouldnt 100% recommend but if you are in for a light reading (like I was) then this would be good. The art style is also gorgeous.
- Zettai Heiwa Daisakusen

Synopsis :
The long-lasting war between the Northern and the Southern Kingdoms is unbearable. So the northern Prince Johane and the southern Princess Euda decide to tell everyone they are in love, because their marriage can stop the war. But the truth is they don't get along at all!
Rate : 3.7 / 5 ⭐
Review :
Another typical hate to love romance but was pretty cute though. I cant remember most of the stuff so cant comment on it but I think the plot development and the character development was good.
Word count
- Total (Nerds) – 1019
With Love,
Book Synopsis and Picture Credits : Goodreads (except for the dragonfish one which is mine)
Mangas Synopsis and Picture Credits : MyAnimeList
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