Bucket List Accomplishments | 2018
Here's another 2018 post of mine looking at the list of things that I managed to tick off my bucket list. There isn't much but it's still something (:
Try to make a savoury baking dish

I have always made sweets and baked cakes but never tried to bake a savoury dish. So at the beginning of the year I made lasagna and it turned out great!!!

even made pizza afterwards (:
To do public speaking

I don't know if this is considered as public speaking because I didn't exactly give a speech or anything. I just answered the questions I was asked, it was basically like an interview thing. But I think it qualifies as public speaking because I spoke in front of the public 😁 basically i spoke in front of people I have never met before and being an anxiety ridden, frozen person am happy about this.
Try all the burghers at McDonalds

For years and years I have tried to tick this off my list because the only burgher I hadn't tried was in the breakfast menu and we rarely go to McDonald's for breakfast. Finally got my chance when we had burghers for breakfast on the way to Beruwala (:
Try sushi

When I was little I wasn't a fan of trying new unknown foods and sushi was something with raw fish and I definitely didn't want to try it. So I missed a lot of opportunities to try sushi. As I grew older I became more open minded with food and loved trying new things. So I grabbed my chance when I went to Shangri La buffet with my family. Pretty glad that I did because it was definitely yummy. Hoping to try more flavours at the sushi restaurants soon.
Didn't get to tick many off as I hoped to but we'll see about it this year. Going to add some achievable easy to tick off ones in my book too because most of them are way to expensive and requires a lot more than I can offer 😂
I know that it's like three quarter past January and am still posting 2018 related posts. It's just that I didn't blog the last month and these are posts that I would like to have on my blog to look back on (:
With Love,
p.s. all pictures are mine
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