Blog name change!

Yes yes I go missing for like a month and come back with a whole new name.
I was thinking about this for awhile and I wasn't very sure of it but I finally decided to change. I know am going to lose the previous links of this blog and I also have to tweak a few things here and there which I haven't done yet but I will be getting to it. I also am planning to schedule some posts. I keep saying this and write posts and never schedule them and also these posts are almost always half written. I have a few draft posts that date back to two years! And I will be getting around to post them insha Allah. Also I made an instagram for this again. I did delete my bookstagram a few months back but now I am having another account and I will most probably be posting about books but I will post other types of (aesthetic *cough cough*) pictures as well. So do follow me on there @withlove.sammy  I havent posted anything as of yet but I will start to. soon :)

so till next time
take care


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