just a random picture I took ages ago that I found in my gallery :) |
Hellooooooooooooooo =)
Its currently 00:55 and I am working on my assignment. But just didn't feel like writing it so I shifted to poking myself with peanut butter and watching vlogs on youtube. And I still don't feel like writing the assignment so I am now writing this. Doesn't make sense though 😁
But I will go back to writing it because I set myself a deadline to finish it by tomorrow.... today, later today. I have been staying awake as of late. I find myself very productive late at night and if I do get up, really early in the morning. Its the times where no one else is awake so its very nice to work during these times. yeah.....
I still haven't scheduled any posts and those half written ones are still there in my draft I just don't have any motivation to complete them just like my books, reading and writing. I have two unfinished books I started reading over two months ago and a book I started writing somewhere in september 2016! I haven't written any fictitious pieces for over a month as well.
exams drained me. so did college. am tired.
its a good thing I changed the name of my blog because people would be coming for 'books and nonsense' and instead of books all they would see is nonsense 😂
now am going to go back to writing my assignment.
wish me luck
hope you have a nice day/night
with love,