Interview with Freesia Lockheart : Author of 'Glass Sneakers' and the 'Pink Unicorn' series | Over Spilt Nescafe with Sammy EP 05
Freesia Lockheart is quite well known on wattpad for her teen fiction and cute romance stories and I am so glad that I got to interview her. Hope you enjoy and once you are done dont forget to check out her stories on wattpad :)
1. Does writing energize or exhaust you?
It’s a little of both, but in a good way. I get exhausted, but it leaves me happy. And in turn, that sense of fulfillment gives me energy to carry on. Writing is something that I’ll always love doing. It’s already a part of me, and whatever impact it has in my life will always be a part of the process.
2. Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly?
Yes. There are many forms of writing. There are many techniques that one can use when it comes to expressing one’s self.
3. How do you balance making demands on the reader with taking care of the reader?
I’m not sure when’s the last time I made a demand to the readers. I used to do that before in order to help the story’s ranking. Eventually, I just appreciate whatever form of love I receive. But these days, I do like receiving comments about the story, just to hear about their opinions. To know that they’re still there. Sometimes I mention it on my social media accounts.
If replying to readers is a way of taking care of them, then that’s how I do it. I love talking to my readers. I love replying to heartfelt messages. I love seeing their lives they have beyond Wattpad, especially those of my favorite ones. I also make sure that there’s at least one story that’s running on my account for my readers, despite life affairs taking so much of my time in a day. I’m really thankful that most of my readers are patient and understanding.
4. What inspired the 'Pink Unicorn' series?
After finishing Like Yesterday, I was thinking about my next story. First inspiration was a random clip on Nickelodeon. The show was Victorious. The character was Cat Valentine (Ariana Grande). The scene had something to do with a water dispenser. That was when I’d decided that my next character would be as goofy and crazy as her.
As I further developed Fiona’s character, I based her way of thinking on my own sense of humor (only to a heightened degree) and my other dorky friend’s who has the same wavelength as me when it comes to crazy antics.
Fiona inspired the series. She’s the heart and soul of it. Well, until KN came along. Their chemistry and clashing personalities will fuel the rest of the series.
5. Which book those of which you have written do you hold close to your heart?
For now, it’s “In Places Where You Are”. This one’s loosely based on my own first love story, so it’s quite special to me.
6. How long on average does it take you to write a book?
It usually takes me a year to finish a book. Conceptualization and random idea writing go as long as two to three years. A story is like a collection of random clips until I start writing it chapter by chapter.
7. Over the years what would you say has improved significantly in your writing?
The grammar. It used to be so awful. Nowadays, it’s only to a sort of acceptable level. With English as my second language, there’s so much more for me to learn out there. I’m still learning. I’m still improving.
8. Do you set a plot or do you prefer going where ever it takes you?
I always start a story with a loose outline. From there on, I let the story write itself.
9. What is your favourite genre to write about and why is it so?
My favorite will be romantic-comedy. I love telling a story with a dose of humor, because it comes easily to me. I guess you can say that my mind’s wired to see things in that manner.
10. Any advice you would like to give to aspiring authors?
Write what you want. Do it for the love. Writers who write with the right mindset create the most brilliant stories. It’s a long and winding road until you finish a book. If you love what you are doing, you’ll get by. If you are passionate about your story, the readers will feel it.
And thats it! Thank you once again Freesia for agreeing to do the interview.
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Twitter : @reesiaockheart
Take care
Till next time
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