Anxiety | #MindMonsters
1. a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.2. the feeling where you stay up at night, stare at your ceiling, ask yourself an infinite number of questions, then sit there and debate whether or not you actually want to know the answer.
3. the feeling where you wonder who truly cares about you and who is just using you; who is there for you and who is so desperately waiting for you to fail.
4. the feeling where ou feel like you are not good enough; that you need to be this, this and this to be successful and liked. you crave for the attention you dont have.
5. the feeling where you get frustrated because its physically impossible for you to be 100% happy. you want someone to vent to but no one will understand you.
6. the feeling where you question your value, your worth, your pride, yourself, everything.. and you think. over think. all night. all you're left with is you, yourself and a very dark place.

There are three kinds of anxiety so far :
- General anxiety disorder – excessive, exaggerated anxiety and worry about everyday life events with no obvious reasons for worry.
- Panic attack – a sudden surge of overwhelming anxiety and fear. Your heart pounds and you can’t breathe. You may even feel like you’re dying or going crazy. Left untreated, panic attacks can lead to panic disorder and other problems. They may even cause you to withdraw from normal activities.
- Social anxiety – in which a person has an excessive and unreasonable fear of social situations. Intense nervousness and self-consciousness arise from a fear of being closely watched, judged, and criticized by others.

as you can see already that anxiety isnt really just basic worrying and nervousness. it is the worring and anxious feeling people get for every single thing, every single day. anxiety isnt also always about hyperventilating and rocking back and forth over thinking about a zillion things. it could also be in the form of unpredictable bouts of rage, fast-talking, stumbling or stuttering. it could also be where the person doesnt talk at all or they sit rigidly staring into space almost 'zoned out'.
there are times when you want everything to be quiet, and when its not, you just get really agitated, and people's voices just start driving you insane! and then there are times where you are not able to fall asleep because you said something wrong two years ago and you cant stop thinking about it.
but anxiety although its very stressful you cant always look at the bad side of things. when you have anxiety you kinda understand other people on a deeper level. you know what its like being worthless so you try not to treat the others the same way. you have a high level of empathy, you understand other people's pain and joy a lot more than anyone else.

having anxiety can be tiring and frustrating because you're constantly worried about things you don't need to be worried about but there is always hope.

maybe you can tryout this 21 day anxiety challenge to help you feel grounded.

and this is a video about anxiety by meghan rienks.
i hope you all learnt alot about anxiety and i cant wait to continue more about my #mindmonsters series.
take care
till next time
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