4 plates of food, bubble tea & life updates | #WhatsUpSammy
Ola!After a pretty long time. Missed blogging though, honestly. Today I just wanted to talk about how good and bad the day was and some updates :)
Today I met up with my #squad for high tea at Galadari. It was superb. We went to serve at the buffet FOUR times, four freaking times!!! And I don't regret a moment. I think we are for the money's worth :p it was great catching up with my friends and to be finally able to go on a fun get together after ages ❤
Next after that Dada was like we are going out for dinner. Dada thought I wouldn't be able to take in anymore but I was all for it. Dino and godzy were pretty strong that way ;) we went to the liberty plaza good court and damn I ate a lot there too. And oso for the first time I tried "bubble tea". I got this weird flavour (I forgot the name) which tasted like bubblegum + cotton candy and I think I was in candy heaven at that point We also went to keells where I ended up buying a cool black notebook, some balloons and a new soft toy, a blue elephant!!! He is sooooooo cute. I named him BUBBLY because I was drinking the bubble tea at that time and it matched the colour of my new pet ❤
All in all I had an amazing day even though I was annoyed in between and had a few troubles, Allah made my day so great that those troubles seemed minor, alhamdullillah!
As for the updates well school will be starting next week and oso I have my math and mechanics exams coming up and oh wait my debate's next week too. I just found out about it yesterday and now I have to prepare two speeches when I don't have any debating experience at all!!!!!!!!
But all in all its just another day in my life :)
Till next time.
Take care bears.
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