Over Spilt Nescafè : Chapter 38 | Sneak Peek
Hey guys.
Its been a while since I last updated Over Spilt Nescafè so I decided to post a sneak peek of the upcoming chapter here.
The thing is I wrote almost three quarter of the chapter and I forgot that I only had a little bit more left and have the book to a friend of mine. Anyways I think it's all for good because then I could concentrate on my studies more.
Oh yeahy exams began today and we had biology theory paper today. It was okay I guess. And tomorrow we are having chemistry and fingers crossed for that paper. Make dua people. And you can now go enjoy the sneak peek. I will try to update OSN this weekend insha Allah.
Naala of course kept giving me questioning looks everytime mama was overly nice to me. I am pretty sure that she suspects something is up or maybe she already knows. Maybe that's why before I could escape to school in my skateboard she pulled me back.
'Let's walk Natalie.'
It took twenty minutes to walk to school.
'But-' the look she gave me was enough to keep my mouth shut and follow her.
'Yeah Naala.'
'Why?' She asked.
'Why what?' I looked at her confused.
'Why did you go back?'
Oh that why.
'I didn't.'
'Yes you did.'
'No I didn't.'
'Yes you did Natalie. Its pretty obvious with what mama's doing.'
I sighed. So she had guessed it right but am not about to say that to her.
'Naala you've got it all wrong-'
'No!' She interrupted me,'I told you. I told you not to be selfish and hog mama and Dada all to yourself but no you had to pretend to be sick again and take them away from me. You are so selfish Natalie!' She shouted and stormed off.
'Naala wait Naala!' I ran after her.
If I lose her because of this I'd never forgive myself. But thankfully she seemed to be going in the direction of the school. But she is going to be thinking about this the entire day and not concentrate properly in her lessons. But I'll be late for school.
But she is your sister.
But school.....
And there you go. Hope you guys liked it enough to be excited about the next chapter ;)
Take care sammybears
Till next time
Till next time
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