January Book Haul & Wrap Up

Hey guys.
Yeah yeah I tell am going to be blogging atleast thrice a week and end up with a once a month post. Been quite busy actually with a whole load of things. By February 3rd I hope to be done with all the work load, insha allah. So this is my January (its the end of month already 0_0) Book haul and wrap up, yes I had time to read atleast one book. Yay! (Proof as to how busy I have been)
Book Haul
• Gallagher Academy Series (Book 1) I'd tell you I love you but then I'd have to kill you
• Gallagher Academy Series (Book 2) Cross my heart and hope to spy
• Gallagher Academy Series (Book 3) Dont judge a girl by her cover
• Gallagher Academy Series (Book 4) Only the good spy young
• Gallagher Academy Series (Book 5) Out of sight, out of time
• Gallagher Academy Series (Book 6) United we spy
Wrap Up
• Raven's Gate {Power of Five Book 1} // Anthony Horowitz
Its a book of awesomeness. Its quite good. I loved Horowitz's Alex Rider series and this series seem to be even better. Its about this boy who doesnt suspect a thing that he is special or anything although weird things have been happening around him and one day due to unfortunate events (you'll find out what kind of event that was when you read the book) he gets sent to a place as a part of a project that the government has to turn little delinquents to good people. At this strange town Matt discovers secrets that are very horrifying and he struggles to tell others.
Its sad how he is treated in the book but its quite understanding as to why it all happens to him.
The plot is very interesting and its the first time where I have read a book where the "guardians of the world" havent all met yet at the beginning so I am thinking maybe Horowitz has some crazy ideas on how to do that. Cant wait to start with the next book. Nathee please remember to bring it to class!!! I need to know what happens to Matt and that thing about his aunt (seriously go read the book its creepy that bit)
So yeah I bought the entire series at once and no I dont regret it at all (already read the first three books and loving it!!!!) and that was a really sucky review of 'Ravens Gate' cuz i really have no idea how to give reviews. But then why am I doing it? Cuz i want to? Strange huh?! Anyways
Take care sammybears
Till next time


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