Sneak Peek: OSN {Chapter Six}

Hello since I am a bit late in posting OSN on Wattpad here is a sneak peek. Happy Reading.
Not exactly looking up while I was walking I banged onto somebody. How typical of me. I am never going to stop being clumsy. I met Orla the same way, by banging onto her. Can you believe it?!
'I am sorry.' I mumbled as I bent down to het my books.
I looked up when I heard my nickname. Alvin.
'Hey.' I replied.
I was most of the time bumping into him. But this time there was no Nescafe. I dont know what was so funny but I began to laugh.
'What's so funny?' he asked while picking up his things.
I shook my head while trying not to laugh. Uh-Oh. I think I am getting my laughing fit. It is when I laugh and laugh for no reason (most of the time) and I cant stop. Did I mention that my laugh is like a hyena wheezing? I mean lets get his straight no one has a cute laugh. If they do laugh cutely then it is fake (most probably).
Alvin raised his eyebrow at me. In reply I sat cross legged on the floor and laughed my heart out. A handful of people who passed by shot us weird and scared looks, Alvin just shrugged at them and said to me,
'Nutella! Nutella!'
I dont.know why but I began to laugh even more and it slowly a silent laugh. I clutched my stomach as it ached. Oh My God! I dont even.know why I am laughin so much. My stomach is aching a LOT but I still cant stop laughing. Alvin started to get annoyed.
'Look I dont know what's so funny but I am leaving ok.'
He began to collect his remaining things from the floor. I still couldnt stop laughing even after the warning bell went off.
'Natalie.' Alvin said in a warning tone.
I stopped for like a few seconds. He got up.
'Finally.' Alvin breathed a sigh of relief. I guess he counted his blessings to soon because I began laughing again.
'And there she goes again.' He dragged his palm down his face and sighed.
Till my next post Bows.
Wattpad: Sammybammy124


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